Friday, February 28, 2014

A word from the wise


Man I know some broke ass, sorry ass hoes! WTF? I know I'm a hustler and I'm good at what I do. But damn what the hell do these sorry ass bitches be doing? These bitches is some okey dokey ass bitches. I think some of these hoes is empty in the head. Where the fuck is a bitches brain? Bitch you don't know you walk around with a gold mine between your legs? Just by having it... You don't even have to use it, Just having it. It ain't no way I'm leaving my house and know I have a overhead (It cost to live comfortable) and go out free fucking some nigga I just met because he know somebody that know somebody that know somebody or chasing a high. My creditors don't want to hear that shit! "Bitch I don't give a fuck who dick you suck but, we want our money." Is what their thinking. If a bitch don't pay her own way, a bitch gonna be..... Homeless, hungry, naked, walking and hanging with the havenots. Every day you wake up you have a choice. I'm gonna get it or I'm gonna be a bum ass hoe. It's up to you. Use what you got to get what you want. One thing for certain and two things for sure. Hoes do the working Not being the one getting worked! Unless it's by a pimp. Some hoes don't know how to count and manage their finances so they need a pimp. I understand that but If you gonna be a hoe DON'T BE A SORRY ASS NO MONEY GETTING ASS HOE! Be the best hoe that you can possibly be. You can't get through life for free. You only can hang on the next bitch coat tail for so long until she/he drop your ass! Don't nobody like a broke ass bitch. Get your mind right bitch! Quit hanging out with the havenots feeling fly. Don't you have goals and dreams? Well you have to work toward making them come alive. You have to surround yourself around the people that going in your direction. Stop hanging out at the dead end! IT'S A DEAD END! GOING NOWHERE.

Now drugs is a whole different story. However it isn't what you do it's how you do it. Respect your high. Once you loose respect for your high, your high will definitely take advantage of you and bring you down. That's not an excuse. I know a lot of junky's that get racks and will go cop a little party. You have to know your limits If you want to be successful. If NOT Just say NO!

Saying that to say.... It's the weekend. Get money and Happy Stacking. And if you are under instruction and getting broke, still keep you a few for yourself. A pimp knows that a hoe come to pay not to stay. So he stacking on your pussy. And when you gone you gone. You don't get that back. -Famous

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